Inês’ First Sleepover

Since the day Inês was born we had not spent the night apart…until last night.  At age 3 years and 10 months she has had her first sleepover without Mummy.

When I asked her if she would like to have a sleepover at Nana’s house she jumped up and down screaming “yay, sleepover at Nana’s house, yay”.

For days she has been asking me “is it sleepover night tonight?” and when ‘sleepover night’ finally arrived her excitement was uncontainable.

Inês and Penelope

Inês and Penelope

Penelope Princess was packed without leaving anything to chance.

Inês' Packed Trunki

Sleepover supplies

Everything that normally makes her night feel safe and comfortable was included; Magic fairy spray, bedtime meditation cd, night light and cuddly teddies.

Throughout the wedding reception Pedro and I were at and right up until I fell asleep I was constantly phone checking.  Every 15 minutes is not an exaggeration!  I even woke up a few times in the night and checked my phone.  I knew she was safe and happy with my Mum and after all, I went through my entire childhood safe and happy in my Mum’s care, although that didn’t stop this Mummy worrying about her baby.

When I woke up this morning I thought I heard her faint chatter coming from her bedroom.  Whether this was someone outside or just my imagination I’m not sure but in my sleepy state it didn’t click immediately and I proceeded to walk into her room as I would normally.  I soon remembered where she was but for that split second before I did, her empty bed confused me.

I noticed that Pedro had his own little moment too.  Due to habit, he had closed the safety gate at the top of the stairs before going to bed.  Something that we don’t do unless she is in bed.

Inês however, probably didn’t even think twice about myself or Pedro.  She had such a great time at Nana’s house that she didn’t want to come home!

Thank you Mum for looking after our princess!

At what age did your child have their first sleepover?  Do they sleep out on a regular basis?

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